Aggregate data to provide fact based impactfull evidences understandable by customers and citizens 

transparent tracking

PROVING thanks to Transparent Tracking

Adding transparency to traceability

Traceability is a major subject in several industries like food, retail, luxury, cosmetics and extend now to other industries like fashion. Several of these industries are using Blockchain but they are mainly for specialists or turned for an internal usage for example for counterfeit, for quality reasons or for product withdrawal.

Consumers are claiming for more transparency on how products are produced and not only what is inside like ingredients or if it is locally produced. Transparent Tracking provides the capability to build evidences in a minute based on aggregating the right data by using natural language.

Transparent Tracking increase the transparency of the information supply chain of an enterprise, an ecosystem or even a government agency.

Whatever engagement expressed in Natural Language, Transparent Tracking will provide evidences fully understandable by stakeholders