
L’intelligence artificielle comme levier d’efficacité

technology concept background with wire mesh and text space

Avoir trop ou trop peu de stocks sous la main, ou avoir des produits trop éloignés des clients qui souhaitent les acheter, peut contribuer à l’inefficacité de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et augmenter les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. L’intelligence artificielle (#IA) peut aider les entreprises à améliorer leurs prévisions, à répondre aux changements […]

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Strategic intelligence maps (5)

Carte 4 Intelligence Stratégique

Among the industries sectors the “agriculture, food and beverage” is one which is most impacted by the “Empowered Consumers” changes as shown below in the Strategic Intelligence map. https://lnkd.in/gxr7v3s The “Empowered Consumers” trend is at the intersection of several factors that Wassati products Aligning and Anticipating deeply analyse and provide insights about Values, Social Innovation

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Strategic intelligence maps (4)

Intellignece Stratégique - map 4

The #Strategic Intelligence Map about Artificial Intelligence #IA establishes several concerns/trends: AI, Diversity and Inclusion, Operationalizing Responsible AI, The Geopolitical Impacts of AI, Can AI can overcome Its Limitations? AI and the future of Jobs, AI and Covid 19, Bias and Fairness in AI Algorithms, AI for what Purpose? There is a lot of research

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Strategic intelligence maps (3)

Carte d'Intelligence Stratégique

After Corporate Governance and Agile Governance, please find another good Strategic Intelligence map from World Economic Forum about #Civic Participation. This maps reflects 6 transformation factors : New decisions maker Inventing New Modes of Governance Shifts in Power 21st Century Citizens Digital Participation A BreakDown in Trust Wassati provides innovative insights on each of these

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Strategic intelligence maps (1)

map "Intelligence Stratégique"

Today we attended a webinar organized by ecoDA, EY and INSEAD around #corporategovernance inviting a panel with Marc Le Menestrel, Anthony Smith-Meyer Dipl.IoD, Maryam Hussain and Esther Jannssen animated by Nick Jones. We discussed about the survey results around ethics, how ethics and values need to be regularly discussed within companies as there can be

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L’IA supporte la Strategic Intelligence

Strategic Intelligence

Dans notre monde #VICA (Volatile, Incertain, Complexe & Ambiguë), les outils qui permettent de représenter de façon simple la complexité systémique des interactions entre les facteurs ne sont pas légion.Ils méritent de s’y intéresser sérieusement pour en faire des outils opérationnels et efficaces. Chez Wassati, l’engagement actif et l’activisme sont aussi importants que les fonds

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